4.36pm: Countdown Fairy Springs is the next stop. If your around that area come down.
4.00pm: Moving again. On the way to Te Ngae Rd next to Puarenga Park. Look out for the bus and stop in with your donations for the food bank.
2.55pm: The bus is parked outside Pak 'n' Save now. We will be here for the next half and hour. 2.20pm: The bus just left Glenholme School and the pupils' donations are going to be hard to beat. An outstanding collection was wheeled out in shopping trolleys and they kept coming.
Image 1 of 25: Cassie Ward, 8, at Westbrook School.
Next stop is Lynmore School - Let's see how well they fill the bus. 1.44pm: Rotorua Salvation Army commanding officer Major Bill Millar said the turnout for the drive was "surpassing all expectations".
"The generosity being shown in the community today is absolutely phenomenal.
"What is particularly exciting is the response from the school children. They are coming to the bus with happy faces, holding their cans ready to donate. It is wonderful they are being taught it is okay to be generous and to give to others."
Otonga Road Primary School students Claudia Townsend, 10, left, and Mikayla Pearson, 11,load up the bus. Photo/Ben Fraser
1.27pm: Just hit the halfway point and struggling to get a seat on the bus now. It's getting very full. Next stop is the St Andrew's shops.
1.10pm: The bus has just pulled into the Te Ngae Shopping Centre.
12.48pm A good haul from people at the Central Mall. Tamati Coffey just popped his head in to see how the bus was filling up. Next stop is the Owhata Shops.
12.00pm: The bus has just arrived at the Central Mall. Anyone doing their shopping pop out to the southern entrance and donate a can or two.
11.30am: Lots of food coming out of Waiariki. Staff member Hannah Roberts said the institute had been very receptive to the cause and having the bus pick up everything made it really easy. The bus is moving again heading towards Otonga Road Primary School.
10.57am: Waiariki here we come!.
10.34am: Next stop is Westbrook Primary School.
Kawaha Point Primary School get into the spirit.
10.11am: Jacqui Ahu has dropped a bag of food to the appeal bus at the Bunnings carpark. "Last year we had a really hard year; living off onions and rice. This year we have been ok so we didn't want anyone going through what we did."
9.58am: An amazing collection donated by from Kawaha Pt School. The bus is moving again - next stop is Bunnings.
9.30am: The bus is at Ngongotaha School and the students are piling on donating their cans to the appeal. Next stop is Kawaha Pt School.
Ngongotaha School children fill the bus
And we're off.
The 12-hour food drive for the Salvation Army is underway.
Fill the Bus is being run by The Hits 97.5FM, as part of the Rotorua Daily Post Christmas Appeal in support of the Salvation Army Foodbank.
Instead of the annual can drive, Paul Hickey from The Hits said this year would see a dedicated 12-hour campaign with the bus making stops throughout the city to collect food items for the appeal.
At the moment the bus is in Ngongotaha. See below for where the next stops are.
It started at the Redwood Shopping Centre at 7.10am today and will finish at the Salvation Army on Old Taupo Rd at 6.50pm. There will be 15 public stops where people can drop off donations of non-perishable food. The bus will also visit six local schools and Waiariki Institute of Technology.