Department of Conservation cuts may be a barrier to Tuhoe's Treaty of Waitangi settlement, that includes Te Urewera National Park.
In Hawke's Bay two jobs will be lost from the Lake Waikaremoana Department of Conservation Aniwaniwa office in Te Urewera National Park and one in Wairoa, under a department shake-up to help it cope with limited funding.
Tuhoe negotiator Tamati Kruger said the iwi was worried about the cuts and was taking the matter to ministerial level before the imminent deal.
Other DoC offices around the park had lost staff under the cuts, part of 70 roles axed nationwide, which conservation advocates say will have a negative impact on the environment.
"Our settlement entails a working relationship with DoC at an operational and management level and the loss of almost $800,000 from their budget and the loss of staff is of great concern to us," Mr Kruger said.