With determination to celebrate this taonga, and the skills of heritage and research specialist Graeme Cash, the library has created a virtual book launch that it's excited to share from tomorrow on its website at www.rotorualibrary.govt.nz/heritage-research.
Hear about the stories in this book from some of the contributors and their whānau.
Alison says, "As I have retired, this RETROfive is the last book in the Rotorua Retro series".
"However, there are memories galore out there waiting to be collected, and I'm sure there are also people out there, both keen and competent, who could set up another project collecting these memories of earlier times."
Alison says she feels both relief and delight to have this edition of the series now ready to launch.
"The contributions are so well written. We have some wonderful people who have such wonderful memories."
She says she is also pleased about the balance and mixture of contributors in the book, including old, young, Māori and families from other countries.
Alison says McLeods Booksellers has been generous in agreeing to allow her to dispense these complimentary books for the contributors from within the shop today throughout the morning.
McLeods Booksellers will also be offering all their customers a launch-day special of two copies of RETROfive for $50, available today only. McLeods have all Retros in stock.
She thanks the Rotorua Library for its generosity and support in making a launch for the book happen.
Te Aka Mauri director Laura Marshall is delighted to see another edition of RotoruaRETRO coming to shelves.
"Shared memories and experiences like those in these books give comfort, warmth, and a feeling of belonging. It connects people to the past, ignites emotion and re-initiates conversations with others."
Abigail Wharne, heritage and research lead-kaiurungi rangahau-taonga at Te Aka Mauri, acknowledges the importance of recording and sharing Rotorua's stories.
"Preserving today what will be accessed and interpreted tomorrow is a huge responsibility.
"Much like the threads of reminiscence that run through Alison's series of books, my team's work is ingrained with people and memory."
The team at Te Aka Mauri thanks Alison for trusting them with the virtual launch of this special publication and acknowledge her hard work over many years weaving these stories together for present and future generations.