Crime rates have dropped consecutively over the last two years in Rotorua and this is something our community can be extremely proud of.
It has happened because the police do an excellent job on our behalf under extremely difficult circumstances and because more people have decided to step up and take personal responsibility in our city.
In 2010-2011 recorded crime dropped by an impressive five per cent in Rotorua followed by an equally important 3.4 per cent drop in 2011-2012. This is more than an eight per cent decrease on the 2009 crime rates in and around our police district during the last two years. For this we owe thanks to the men and women of the Rotorua police for working hard to keep our community safe.
As we go into our fourth year in Government, our focus will continue to be on increasing frontline policing and crime prevention. Last week Police Minister Anne Tolley announced police foot patrols had increased by 70 per cent nationwide between 2011 and 2012. At home in the Bay of Plenty there was an almost 100 per cent increase with an extra 1914 officers patrolling our streets.
These increases are a result of staff being deployed more strategically and in areas and at times when police know there is a greater risk of crime taking place. This smarter approach, with the right people in the right places at the right times, means officers are more visible and better able to prevent crime.