I do not support legal highs. I have seen first-hand the harm they cause. They have no place in Rotorua and to the four remaining shops who sell them here I say: listen to the concerns of your community. Send the products back and stop selling them.
Last year, Parliament voted 119 votes in favour with only one against the Psychoactive Substances Act to reduce the harm caused by these designer drugs. At the time, there were an estimated 2000-3000 shops selling up to 300 types of these products. This legislation has reduced harm as there are now fewer than 150 shops selling and only 40 psycho-active products available.
Parliament previously tried to ban these drugs completely. Sadly in the time it took experts to test and ban 40 drugs, hundreds more became available. Manufacturers alter and develop new products to avoid the bans faster than the legislation can keep up. This is a problem every country in the world is facing.
These products are so new that the best laboratories in the country often don't know what's in them or how to test for them. The legislation passed by Parliament means that manufacturers are required to prove that their products won't harm before they are able to sell them, a process that could take up to two years and cost an estimated $2 million. This cost will be at the manufacturer's expense not the taxpayer.
When I marched with hundreds of local people earlier this month I pledged to continue the fight to rid our city of these drugs. Before the legislation there were 20 to 30 shops selling this muck in Rotorua. Today, there are just four. Parliament gave the Rotorua District Council a role to play and they are consulting on rules to further restrict sales here. When the mayor and council have finished this work, I expect these four remaining shops to close.