Education is something that's raised with me as a local MP more than almost any other issue. We all want what's best for our kids and over the past few years many teachers and parents have shared their views on what must be done to make Rotorua education the best in the country.
Educating children is an investment in their future. A high quality education provides opportunity for any child from any background to get ahead and make the most of their lives. It's also an essential requirement for a skilled, creative and productive workforce, which is key to growing a stronger economy. So it makes sense that we should invest heavily in education.
The Government has increased spending in education every year since 2009 with an extra $512 million committed last year alone to be spent over the next four years. Locally, $17.6 million has been invested to upgrade and modernise 59 schools in the Rotorua electorate.
These figures represent a significant amount of taxpayer money and we need to make sure it's money well spent. People want to know that their taxes are being spent responsibly on services that make a real difference to our community, directly on the front line. This means ensuring support and resources for education are being targeted at the right areas.
I'm committed to increasing participation and raising achievement across the board. This requires a system-wide lift in quality teaching and leadership from Early Childhood Education (ECE), through to primary and secondary schooling. That's why two of Prime Minister John Key's 10 Better Public Service goals are aimed at these specific areas.