I got lost in a Pinterest rabbit hole. One moment I was just looking for recipe ideas - who knew there were so many different uses for coconut flour - when all of a sudden half of my evening had disappeared.
If you've not heard of Pinterest, or even checked it out, then let me tell you that you may like to stay that way, unless you have a lot of time you can fritter away pinning craft projects, interior design, fashions or recipes to your page.
Pinterest is the social media way of scrapbooking ideas together in one place. Users have their own page with as many different boards as they choose. Boards generally run to a theme, such as DIY projects, wedding dresses, gadgets. If you're planning a surprise you can set up boards to be secret, which can be handy when planning a party or wedding.
To help you find the best ideas Pinterest has introduced Guided Search. It's made for exploring, whether you know exactly what you want, or you're just starting to look around. There are more than 750 million boards with 30 billion Pins hand-picked by Pinners, so the right idea is just a few taps away - or maybe you'll get lost down that rabbit hole too.
The visual guides can help steer you in the right direction, for example if you are looking for a new haircut you can look through specific styles. But like most things on Pinterest you're bound to find something else by chance. Like all things social media these guides are being rolled out gradually. In the meantime check out the video on Pinterest or download the app for your smart device.