Just when you get used to your notifications being on the top left of your screen, Facebook goes and moves them to the opposite side - just one change the social media giant has made to my page recently. After a day or so, I got used to moving my mouse to the right spot, but not before I had cursed Mark Zuckerberg.
But there are some changes to Facebook you may have seen that can only improve your social media experience.
When you go to reply to posts - on pages and statuses - you can now add a photo. Just look for the camera icon in the bottom right of the comment space. It's still a fairly new function and I've seen it disappear a few times but hopefully it will stick around. You can have some fun with your friends - ask them to post a photo of how they're feeling, or their view at the time.
Another change has brought Facebook more in line with Twitter. For those whose Twitter and Facebook accounts are linked you have probably already seen them, but the hashtag actually means something now in Facebook world. When a Facebook user now adds a hashtagged word or phrase to a post, such as #rotorua, others will be able to click it and use it as a search term. Hashtag phrases include multiple words stringed together, such as #rotoruadailypost.
They will be presented with a list of other users across the site that are also currently using that word or phrase and discussing the same things.