Gut-wrenching story on Troy and Ashley. The priorities of spending of this Labour government makes me numb. Aborted cycle bridge, lunches in schools, socialist reforms every which way, surely the No.1 priority of this or any govt must be to look after our own in the form of decent medical treatment. What could be more important?
- Paul C
The question is, why is it so expensive? Excessive profits?
- Terry O
This Government has a lot of explaining to do. During Covid, there were literally billions flying around to keep people employed and businesses from falling. Now they can never have an excuse for lack of funding for Pharmac because we know the money is there.
- Mohammed S
New Zealand is a great place to live - until you get sick. When it happens, you realise there are very limited options for health and cure in NZ, So sorry [to] all the sufferers of cystic fibrosis. Thanks for being brave to share your story. This needs attention.
- Kate N
This is a shameful tragedy.
- Vicki K
If from a government perspective, treating this young man is all about the money, I would have thought economically there was a great value in treating a 20-year-old so he doesn't get sicker, and can then lead a productive life. As for how sad this is, I can only say I admire his courage and that of his family.
- Jennifer P
Fantastic story, but how wrong is it that in New Zealand our families have to be put in this avoidable situation. Pharmac is so underfunded that NZ is at the bottom of the OECD in terms of medicine funding. Trikafta clearly saves lives and keeping people well enough so they stay out of hospital and well enough to start working makes this a no-brainer as it will likely save the health system money in the long run.
- Edward L
My friend's daughter has been on Trikafta for about 18 months-two years in the States and it has literally changed her life. She is now enjoying life at university just like any other 21-year-old. It's heartbreaking to hear stories like this when you know how much it will improve the quality of life for people with CF.
- Angela H
- Republished comments may be edited at the editor's discretion.