“There’s plenty of time to have these conversations and work through this.”
Interpretation - we know that we are going to lose the election, and so we don’t really need to consider the ramifications. Don’t sweat it. - Bill M
How is this supplying more education? One teacher is unlikely to be able to do any development work when they have 9-10 kids. That’s enough to watch them all just and hopefully prevent major accidents. - Nigel A
Labour has ECE top of mind yet can’t consult with them. It’s a virtue-signalling policy to win votes that are not workable. No surprises stuffed up again. - Paul G
Let’s spend the $1.2 billion on fixing the damage created by Cyclone Gabrielle rather than trying to buy the swing voters.
If the early childhood industry says it will not work, isn’t it time the Government starts listening to people who know what’s best.
She alone should understand why 91 ECNZ centres closed in the last 10 months. - David S
Yet again, the government of unintended consequences.
A government with no real-world experience who refuse to listen to those involved in the industries and services they legislate to because they know better. - David P
Poorly thought out, pushed through without consultation. Really, from the current Labour Government? - Waipapa M
So Labour’s budget showpiece could spell “the end of ECE as we know it in New Zealand”, according to the chief executive of the Early Childhood Council.
Is anyone surprised? Yet another world-leading example of not listening to people who know more than you do, from the government of student politicians. - Greg M
- Republished comments may be edited at the editor’s discretion.
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