Taupō Pound keeper Taylor Hori with Lloyd. Photo / Taupō District Council
Taupō Pound keeper Taylor Hori with Lloyd. Photo / Taupō District Council
There's a new cat on the block at the Taupō Pound.
The previous expert rodent exterminator, Floyd, took early retirement after his leg was amputated, and has found a new home.
Meanwhile, it is a happy ending for his former employers too as they have found a like-for-like replacement, suitably named Lloyd.
The pound's original exterminator Floyd was adopted by pound staff to not only provide companionship but also for the specific role of keeping rats and mice under control.
Besides being excellent at his job, Floyd ruled over the pound, with his human underlings at his beck and call.
Floyd went missing in early April but reappeared in the pound carpark thin, hungry and dishevelled after a one-month walkabout. His back leg was injured and had to be amputated.
Taupō Pound rodent exterminator Floyd had to take early retirement after a leg amputation, and has now found a new home. Photo / Taupō District Council
He made a full recovery, but with three legs he was not as quick as he used to be and the team decided it was time he found a new home.
Floyd has settled into retirement well after being adopted by Taupō District Council compliance officer Cairo Quaife-Miers.
"I already have a cat who doesn't really like other cats, but I just love Floyd so I said I'd take him home," Cairo says.
"I didn't want him to go to a completely new place. He's going great, he loves his new life. We weren't sure if he would enjoy being a house cat but he just sleeps all day and fights my other cat for the sunny spots in the house."
Despite being retired and less mobile than he was with four legs, Floyd's hunting instincts are still sharp.
"He's already caught some mice, even with three legs he can still hunt, so that's great."
While Floyd's replacement Lloyd's rodent-hunting skills are still developing, pound keeper Taylor Hori says he certainly has the attitude required for the job and his likeness to Floyd made the decision to deploy him in the pound office a no-brainer.
Taupō Pound keeper Taylor Hori with Lloyd. Photo / Taupō District Council
"We had Floyd for about five years and he kept this place under control in terms of rodents - there were no rabbits, no rats, no mice. He cleaned the place out and he wasn't afraid of any dog," Taylor says.
"After Floyd was rehomed I went next door to the SPCA and Lloyd was in the front window. It's amazing how similar they look."
As well as being exterminators, Taylor says the pound office cats quickly become part of the whānau.
"He's definitely part of the team and we're super happy Floyd is enjoying retirement."