Over the years an initiative of the New Zealand Police has been to continually make changes in the area of child abuse to improve the service to victims. In the past, Rotorua detectives have worked closely with the Child, Youth and Families Service to combat child abuse in our area. A recent initiative in Rotorua has been to shift the specialist child investigators into the CYFS building so that a better working partnership can be achieved.
In total, six detectives, comprising one supervisor and five investigators, work out of a new office on the first floor. Specialist interview rooms and interviewers specifically for children are part of the unit on site.
Child abuse often occurs behind closed doors and there are no witnesses to it. Experience tells us that victims of such crimes need to find someone to confide in. This is typically outside of the family unit for a number of reasons. The schools have guidance councillors or there may be a family friend or the like who can be the conduit for making a complaint to the police.
The need to speak out is highlighted by the case of Nia Glassie.
This child was subject to abuse seen by other family members, and the public, leading up to her death but nothing was done.