In just over two weeks, 25 very proud and exhausted students from Western Heights High School will complete the latest CACTUS course in their school.
It's a course that sees 25 students three mornings a week complete a gruelling physical fitness session, run by the Western Heights Neighbourhood Policing Team.
Just before 6am, along with parents and teachers from the school, we train together in the morning before school and for the past six weeks this has been their life.
The CACTUS course runs for eight weeks, and stands for Combined Adolescent Challenge Training Unit and Support. It is a very intense, strictly disciplined, physically demanding course which challenges the beliefs, thoughts, attitudes and behaviours of youth through physical fitness.
In trying to evaluate why any teenager would want to get up at 5am three mornings a week to come to this course is beyond the comprehension of most people, and if you think most teens are too lazy to get up at 5am, think again.