Sometimes people ask me, "What is the one thing that would make the biggest difference to making our communities safer?" My answer is always the same. Reduce family violence.
Some people are surprised by this response, but a large proportion of the crime problems we deal with can be traced back to family violence. Consider the facts. Half of the homicides that occur in New Zealand each year are the result of family violence. Fifteen per cent of women in Women's Refuges have a permanent disability and 4 per cent can no longer have children as a result of family violence.
Family violence victims are five times more likely to require psychiatric services.
Our children are also at risk. Every year 10 New Zealand children are killed as a result of family violence.
One in seven New Zealand women have been assaulted by their partner, but the impact doesn't end there. Children who are routinely exposed to violence when growing up are 66 times more likely to engage in criminal behaviour when teenagers. The most common manifestation among teenage boys is burglary - the crime that 85 per cent of New Zealanders are most worried about being the victim of. It's all connected.