"My firm belief is that it's not about me, it's about those who are coming after me, and if I can put in place the systems, the processes and even the outcomes that are going to benefit my grandchildren and their children and their grandchildren ... then I've done what's best for my people."
This quote is from the introduction to the E Tu Whanau strategy and is ascribed to Roku Mihinui, the chief executive of Te Arawa Lakes Trust.
Last week I had the privilege of participating in a hui with Roku and about 20 others to discuss how we might work together in more effective ways to reduce and prevent family violence; in particular how we might embed the E Tu Whanau strategy in Rotorua.
The group included Rotorua people who have experience with working with people affected by family violence, senior advisors from other government agencies and police officers from across the Bay of Plenty.
In a nutshell, E Tu Whanau is a "programme of action for addressing family violence".