The Youth Development Team (YDT) along with Youth Aid and School Community Officers make up the New Zealand Police's Rotorua Youth Services Group. The YDT work with under 14-year-olds who are offending or who are at risk of offending. It is made up of three police employees who hold external qualifications.
They are trained in case management and using best practice standards when working with tamariki/rangitahi and their whanau. Intervention plans are individually developed according to each whanau's circumstances.
In a year the YDT will work with about 100 whanau who will ideally improve the future outlook for their young person. Part of any plan with a young person who has offended is ensuring they are held accountable for their actions.
Some young people build lasting relationships with the case workers and still seek advice into their adult years. Developing strong relationships is important for these young people.
Youth come into the YDT for various reasons such as roaming, drug and alcohol abuse, violence at home, school and/or community, truancy and offending. A recent success for a case worker was seeing a 12-year-old's life turned around by being placed into an environment where he was able to thrive. He is successful in school, won the interschool cross country and has perfect attendance.