How connected are you to others?
I've been writing about building a sense of community since June, so I thought it might be timely to invite you to take part in a short quiz to help you get a feel for how connected you are to people in your neighbourhood. Here's how it works. The quiz is in the box at right, with statements from 1 to 12. For each, ask yourself whether you think the statement is "mostly true" or "mostly false".
Once you have answered them, it is time to score your results. If you answered "mostly true" for questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12 - give yourself one point for each. If you answered "mostly false" for questions 2, 6, 8 and 11 - also give yourself one point for each. Now, add up your score. The higher your score, the stronger your overall sense of connectedness to your community.
Next, we can break down your score to get a feel for where your areas of strength lie and how connected you feel to your neighbourhood. Questions 7, 9 and 9 are all about whether you believe you have some influence over the sense of community in your neighbourhood. If you scored a point for each of those three questions, you believe you have a strong sense of influence. As long as you are a person who has good intentions towards others, that is a really good thing.
If you scored three points for questions: