There is an obvious benefit of a ban on those drugs, but what about the long-term consequences?
No doubt there will be a number of you coming back to earth following the Rotorua Marathon. I am attempting to keep fit through running - but to run for three, four or five hours ... e hoa ma - you are awesome! Let us not forget the organisers and volunteers. If not for you, we would have no event, so I acknowledge you all.
There is another competition coming up, the regional kapa haka competition for Te Matatini.
As far as I am aware, there are five groups heading to Christchurch next year, so it's all on! Preparations started from the beginning of the year. More recently there have been live-ins, training for the body and mind, singing and more singing.
For what purpose? For 30 minutes on the stage.
These competitions are almost like a league test. So to all of the participants, helpers, cooks, babysitters, seamstresses, hairdressers, we celebrate and honour you all.
Those successful in securing a place to Christchurch, you will carry the prestige of Te Arawa from years gone by since the beginning of Te Matatini, so go hard.
I welcome your feedback. Email Phone 0508 924 274.
Te Ururoa Flavell is a Maori Party co-leader and the MP for Waiariki.
Maori translation:
Tena ano tatou katoa.
E hoa ma, na te tohe, na te hoha, na te takariri o nga hapori, kua aro mai te
kawanatanga ki te whakakore i te hoko o nga tarutaru i nga toa (R18). Me noho harikoa tatou ka tika. Ina ke te nui o nga korero mo te kino o aua tarutaru ki te hunga momi nei i taua mea tae atu ra ki nga whanau, whaea mai, matua mai, tuakana, teina mai. Ko te mate in?ianei, ko tenei. Ma wai taua hunga momi e tiaki kia hoki ki te ora? Ka rua, ka huri ratou ki kea, ki te aha an? hoki ki te whakatau i te hiakai? Ka mutu tuturu nei te kai i nga momo tarutaru? He painga ano o te whakakore i tenei wa, engari, ka pewhea te
pae tawhiti?
Kaore e kore, ara ano etahi o koutou e hoki mai nei ki te ao turoa whai muri mai o te
Omanga Roa (marathon). E ngana ana au ki te whakapakari i toku tinana ma te oma,engari, ki te oma mo te toru, wha, rima haora.... E hoa ma _ ka wani ke koutou. Kei wareware i a tatou ko nga kaiwhakahaere, nga ringa awhina. Ki te kore koutou, kua
kore he whakataetae. No reira, ko nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. Ara ana hoki tetahi
whakataetae nui whakaharahara e haere mai nei, ara, ko te Whakataetae a Rohe mo Te Matatini. E ai ki taku mohio, e rima nga roopu ka haere ki Otautahi a te tau
hou, no reira, he pakanga kei te haere. Mai i te timatanga o tenei tau, he whakatikatika te mahi. No nga ra tata kua hipa, he noho marae, he whakapakari tinana, hinengaro, he waiata, a he waiata ano, he huri penei, he huri pena te mahi. Mo te aha? Mo te toru tekau meneti i te papa tuawaewae. Ko enei whakataetae, he rite ki te kemu riiki o nga Kiwi ki nga Kangaru!!
No reira, ki nga kaihaka, ki nga kaiawhina, nga mea tunu kai, kaitiaki tamariki, tuitui
kakahu, whakapaipai makawe, me whakanui i a koutou katoa. Ko te hunga haere ki Otautahi, ka kawe i te mana o Te Arawa no ng? tau mai i te orokohanga o Te Matatini, no reira kia kaha.