Kia ora to all and welcome to a new year with new discussions. I hope things have started well for you all and that the holidays treated you well.
Let me first acknowledge those who have lost loved ones over the last few months. As they say, there is nothing more to be done - mortality is the fate of us all as it was for the first man, Maui-tikitiki-a-Taranga. But let us leave the world of spirits for now and return to those of us who remain in the world of light. Tena koutou katoa.
It is now time for the people of the Te Arawa region to stand to attention as Rotorua will soon be descended upon by kapa haka fans from all over Aotearoa for Te Matatini o te Ra.
It is up to us to breathe life into this great gathering - it is up to us to promote the values that we wish to share with everyone, to make sure that everything runs smoothly and lead with the highest standards as only Rotorua can.
The kick-off to this upcoming event will be the powhiri - as it should be. On the marae is where the most esoteric aspects of Maori culture are felt - that's where you really see the beauty, intelligence and excellence of tikanga.