The Asset Sale Hikoi reached Parliament recently and boy was it a showdown. It was interesting to see such a huge contingent of supporters from various political persuasions. All in all, it was good to see a united approach. Mike Smith the key organiser on behalf of Greenpeace was clear in his approach which was that it would be for the people, hapu and iwi to carry the kaupapa but on the day, it was unionists and politicians.
When the hikoi arrived here to Rotorua, I joined in to welcome them on to Te Papaiouru Marae. The topics placed in front of the nation are important so it is only appropriate to give support. I remember assisting with the Seabed and Foreshore Hikoi back in 2004. It's a tough job, but you cannot doubt the commitment of those who travelled all of the way to Wellington, leaving families all in an effort to present a case.
It was a tough crowd at the conclusion of the Asset Sale Hikoi, I'm not going to lie. People are unhappy about a number of things and I guess this was a good time to air their frustrations. But I want to remind those who booed at me as I spoke; the Maori Party WILL NOT be supporting the sale of state-owned assets. In fact, if all goes the way of rumours and suggestions regarding Mr Banks, then the answer to the sale of state-owned assets will rest in two electorates called Epsom and Ohariu not with the Maori Party. Some people for some reason do not accept that.
I walked amongst the people that day of the Asset Sale Hikoi, having met them at Te Papa. I saw brown, I saw white - everyone was there from all corners of society.
It was expected that all Maori would oppose the sale of state-owned assets. That may not be the case as some iwi are waiting for the chance to invest in some of New Zealand's most valuable resources and to form relationships with oil companies. But having read all the submissions from the Mixed Ownership Model consultations, and the points made by Iwi who have concerns like Te Whanau a Apanui and Ngati Porou the answer for us as a party was simple. No sale, no drilling.