I know I have but three years in this appointment so I have to work hard and that is what I intend to do.
There are perhaps three strands to the work. Firstly, to address some of the findings of the Ministerial report on Poverty, second to strengthen Whanau Ora as a pathway to families being self-sufficient and third, to open doors to economic development so the benefits are felt by the country as a whole. The biggest task is to link all of these together.
So, can I thank you all again indeed the Daily Post for acknowledging our reo. Stay well under the cloak of those who have passed on.
Maori translation
Waiariki e tena koutou katoa. E hoa ma koia nei te mihi ki tena ki tena o koutou. Koia nei te panui tuatahi mai i te kowhiringa pooti no reira me mihi tuatahi ki a Rawiri Waititi ratou ko Pat Spellman, ko Annette Sykes. Koia nei te hunga i tohe nei mo te turanga Maori o Waiariki. E tika ana ki tohe mo te turanga i te mea, he nui nga take e pa nei e pa tonu nei i a tatou. E mihi atu ana au ki a koutou.
Me whai whakaaro au mo te hunga i tuku mai i a ratou pooti ki a au tae atu ki te Paati Maori, Maori mai, Pakeha mai. Na te kaha o a koutou whakaaro nui mo te Paati Maori, kua eke a Marama Fox ki roto i te Whare Paremata. Ka riro ma maua nga take Maori katoa e kawe no reira koia nei te mihi o te ngakau.
No tenei wiki tonu nei, i whakapotaehia te Runanga Minita a kua whiwhi i a au ko etahi turanga nui whakaharahara, ara ko tera o te Minitatanga. Ko te turanga Whakawhanake Maori, ko te Minita mo te Whanau Ora, me te tuarua mo nga Take Ohanga, Pakihi hoki. Kua noho au i te whakaiti na tenei honore nui, ara, ko te whai i nga tapuwae o taku hoa o Tariana, o Pita, o Tau Henare ma, Parekura Horomia ma, o Koro Wetere ma o Ta Apirana Ngata ma, o Matiu Rata, me te tokomaha.
Kei te mohio tonu au e toru tau noho iho tenei noho, no reira me mahi i te mahi, koia nei au e whakaaro ake nei. E toru pea nga whainga matua. Tuatahi, ko te whakatinana i nga putanga o te Purongo a Minita mo tenei mea mo te Pohara, tuarua, he whakapakari i te kaupapa Whanau Ora hei huarahi ki te oranga o te whanau, ka toru, ki te whakapuaki i nga huarahi katoa ki nga take ohanga, kia hoki mai nga painga ki te motu whanui. Ko te mahi tino nui ko te tuitui i enei mea katoa.
No reira, e hoa, ka mihi ano ki a koutou katoa tae mai ki te nupepa nei i whakanui i te reo Maori. Noho ora mai i raro i te manaakitanga o te wahi ngaro. Tu Maori mai!
I welcome your feedback. Email mpwaiariki@parliament.govt.nz Phone 0508 924 274
• Te Ururoa Flavell is the co-leader of the Maori Party, Minister of Maori Development and the MP for Waiariki.