This is one of the benefits of having a relationship with the governing party. For us, we are able to criticise the Government if they divert too far off track or are just completely wrong. Having said that, we are still able to achieve benefits.
In terms of the recent Budget announcement, I for one am happy enough with what we have secured through our relationship. There is money in the education sector, iwi radio ($12 million), literacy programmes ($2.4 million), improving waterways ($15 million), Maori tourism ($6 million), extending new initiatives such as Moving the Maori Nation ($10 million) and research.
It is true that the National Party sets the agenda, but we have been able to secure money for Maori initiatives in health, education and for families.
As we close in on the next election, I encourage you to consider this question: Is it best to vote for a party that stays in opposition and never sees any benefits or even a cent to go to Maori? Or a party that simply grandstands and protests, without offering any real solutions to Maori? Or a party that does not agree with having Maori seats? Or is it best to vote for a party that does, in fact, secure benefits and solutions for whanau and Maori in the best interests of the country?
I welcome feedback. Email phone (0508) 924 274.
Maori translation:
Tena ana tatou. E hoa ma, hei whai haere i taku korero i tera atu wiki, me mihi au ki nga roopuu katoa i tu i te papa tuwaewae o Tanerore inatatanei. Ka wani ke te tu o nga kapa katoa, a, kaore e kore ka haruru te whenua i Waitaha a te tau e tu mai nei.
I te panuitanga o te Tahua Putea i tera wiki, i rongo te motu mo nga whiwhinga o te Paati Maori i nga tau kua hipa, a, ko te Tahua Putea i tenei tau he mea whakamomona ake i aua painga. Ko te aronga nui o te Tahua Putea nei ko enei mea e toru e whai ake nei:
• He whakatupu i te manahau i roto i nga whanau, hapu me nga hapori
• Kia mau tonu ki nga painga kua kitea i nga tau
• He whakawhanake he kokiri hoki i nga kaupapa Maori hou
Koia nei te painga o te noho hei hoa haere mo tetahi Kawanatanga. Mo matou o te Paati Maori, e watea ana matou ki te whakahe i te Kawanatanga mena kua kotiti tana haere, ka hee rawa atu ranei. Engari ka taea ano hoki e matou te whiwhi i nga painga.
Ko au tetahi e noho harikoa ana mo te putea kua toia mai ai e matou i te pukoro o te Kawanatanga. He moni mo te matauranga, mo nga reo irirangi ($12m), hei putea awhina i nga whanau ki te panui ($2.4m), ki te whakapaipai ake i te wai i te takiwa ($15m), ki te mahi Tapoi Maori ($6m), tae atu ki etahi kaupapa hou - Moving the Maori Nation ($10m), me te mahi rangahau.
E tika ana, na te Kawanatanga tonu te nuinga o nga kaupapa engari, i whai wahi matou ki te aki i nga Minita ki te tuku putea ki nga kaupapa Maori i roto i nga take Hauora, Matauranga, me nga take a whanau.
I a tatou e whakatata atu ana ki te kowhiringa pooti, tera pea me whakaaro koutou mo tanei patai: Ae ranei, me pooti mo te roopu e noho hei hoariri ki tetahi Kawanatanga me te kore kitea i tetahi painga, tetahi hereni ranei e tae atu ana ki te ao Maori. Ae ranei me tautoko i tetahi roopuu e haamama nei, e porotu nei, a koia na anake tana mahi? Ae ranei me tautoko i tetahi roopuu kore whakaae ki nga turu Maori. Ae ranei, me pooti mo tetahi roopuu e to nei i nga painga mo nga whanau, me te iwi Maori hei painga mo te motu whanui? Ma koutou tera e whakautu.