That in itself was misleading - but the worst part was that these public statements were made before our man had been interviewed for the job - this could have influenced his chances.
I am not saying that he should have got the job, as that decision should rightly lay in the hands of a selection panel - but it made me angry that a Member of Parliament could make all of these assertions under the privilege of Parliament.
Let's look at some other issues.
An announcement was made recently that there is a clash of dates impacting on Te Matatini and the Cricket World Cup.
I say what's the problem with bringing Te Matatini back to us here in Te Arawa?
Some might suggest that Te Arawa teams never do very well when we host the event.
Well, let's test that theory.
Proposed changes to the Resource Management Act are a major concern.
One of the National Party's justifications for the changes is that the RMA is slowing down the consent process for building new homes in cities like Auckland where there is a housing crisis - but we say the RMA process is not the cause of the housing crisis.
The Maori Party has opposed several changes in the RMA because we believe the changes prioritise economic gain over environmental protections and do not fully recognise the role of iwi as kaitiaki.
Along with United Future, we will not support the bill and therefore it may not be able to be passed.
We say if we do not look after our natural resources, who else will?
I welcome your feedback. Email or phone 0508 924 274.
Tena tatou katoa.
Kei Te Whare Paremata ona ake tikanga whakahaere, ara he ture tonu. Ko tetahi o aua tikanga e mea ana, he mea tapu nga korero i roto i nga pakitara o Te Whare Paremata, ara, e kore e taea e tetahi te heri i tetahi Mema Paremata ki Te Kooti mo te whakaputa kupu hahani, kupu hee ranei.
I tu nga pihi i enei wiki tata ake nei na nga whakapae i puta i tetahi mema nei o Te Ropu Reipa mo tetahi o matou o Ngati Rangiwewehi i a ia e tono nei mo te turanga Tumu Whakarae o Whakaata Maori.
I kii mai te Mema Paremata nei, i penei mai, i pena mai to matou tangata engari, he rupahu aua korero! He mahi tinihanga tera engari ko te mate ke, i puta aua korero ra i mua o nga uiuitanga i nga kaitono mo taua mahi, katahi ka raruraru te tu o to matou tangata. Kaore au i te kii ko ia nei te mea e tika ana mo taua turanga, kei te hunga whiriwhiri ke te whakatau. Engari kei te tino riri au ki nga mahi a tenei Mema Paremata i mahi nei i ana mahi i raro i te korowai tapu o Te Whare Paremata. Na wai i hee, katahi ka tino hee kee atu.
Kati ake, me huri ki kaupapa ke. I puta te korero inatatanei ka rua nga kaupapa e whakahaeretia i te wa kotahi a te tau 2015, a, ko Te Matatini tera, ko Te Ipu o te Ao mo te Kirikiti! He aha te hee o te whakahoki mai i Te Matatini ki a tatou o Te Arawa! Ka kii mai etahi, e kore nga ropu o Te Arawa e tino eke ki nga whiringa toa ina tu ai te kaupapa ki waenganui i a tatou. Heoi ano me whakamatautau tatou i tera korero!
He mea nui te ahuatanga o te whakarereke i te ture RMA, ara ko Te Resource Management Act. E ai ki a Nahinara kei te whakatoroa te punaha wherawhera i te hiahia ki te whakatu whare hou ki nga taone pera i a Tamaki Makaurau. Engari ehara na te RMA te take he iti iho nga whare ki Tamaki Makaurau! E ai ki Te Paati Maori ki te tini te RMA ka nui ake te mana o nga take ohanga ki era o nga take tiaki whenua.
Na te whakahee o Te Paati Maori, me te paati United Future kua raru tenei hiahia o Nahinara ki te whakarereke i te ture. Ki te kore matou e tiaki i te whenua, ma wai ke atu?
Te Ururoa Flavell is MP for Waiariki and the co-leader of the Maori Party