Anchor AIMS Games Te Reo reporter Tumai Kaukau-Troughton is helping the tournament celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. Photo by Jamie Troughton/Dscribe Media
Anchor AIMS Games Te Reo reporter Tumai Kaukau-Troughton is helping the tournament celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. Photo by Jamie Troughton/Dscribe Media
Karawhiua is the word of the week at the annual AIMS Games.
"It means to give it heaps!" said Tumai Kaukau-Troughton.
The 18-year-old is the official te Reo reporter for the annual sporting tournament, which is under way in Tauranga this week.
Tauranga's biggest sporting tournament for intermediate-aged athletes is celebrating Māori Language Week.
KauKau-Troughton's role is to promote Te Reo Māori at the AIMS Games.
KauKau-Troughton said the language was "very poetic" and spiritual.
"I think if you have te Reo Māori it can help set you up to learn other languages really well," he said.
Tournament director Vicki Semple felt privileged the tournament had coincided with te Wiki o te Reo Māori again this year.
Semple said about 22 per cent of the 11,500 competitors identified as Māori and there was a significant number of kura kaupapa schools at the tournament.
"It is obvious from the amount of te Reo we are hearing this week that the language is precious to New Zealanders from all backgrounds," she said.
"We are hearing people giving it a go ordering their coffee, in team talks, on the sideline. We are so glad to be able to use it as much as we can - this week, and every week."