The 2016 Te Arawa Awards ceremony were held tonight at Te Puia recognising and celebrating outstanding achievements within Te Arawa.
The awards showcased Te Arawa talent and acknowledged excellence in sport, cultural activities, service to the community, academia, and Te Arawa making positive contributions to whanau, hapu, iwi, and marae.
Two teams were acknowledged in the Te Arawa Rangatahi Team of the Year tonight. They were the Rotorua Girls High School premier netball team and the Waikite Kowhai U6's.
Awatea Leach was awarded Te Puhi o Te Arawa - Outstanding Rangatahi Achiever of the Year.
In the Te Arawa iwi awards the Te Arawa Healthy Marae Award went to Kearoa Marae and the Te Puia Te Arawa Roll of Honour Membership to Karena and Kasey Bird and Leona Kaye.