■ To the person I watched for 15 minutes at a supermarket who had no mask on and fingered and pressed every avocado in every meshed bag, then proceeded to do the same to the tomatoes, and then smelt them: We have to buy those vegetables along with the germs that your filthy hands and nose carry.
■ To the anti-vax billboard in Tūrangi: You have been vaccinated for numerous diseases as babies and teenagers by responsible parents eradicating these diseases. It was not your choice. Our right to live supersedes your right to choose. You haven't lost any freedoms. Be grateful you haven't had to experience the death of loved ones, or a close friend like I have from Covid.
■ To the Hole in One proposal to include toilets, rubbish bins, cafe, extra parking so close to the proposed new development in Roberts St: Superloos is close. Does Taupō lakefront need lakeside buildings?
■ To the driver who pushed in front of 30 cars in line for petrol at Waitomo Fuel to fill six large containers plus his own van. When confronted he said he was not selfish.
■ To the person who stole my cellphone last month outside Bayleys Real Estate: My sim card has important numbers of people who helped me through mental health issues. You know who you are. Please return it to the Taupō police station.
■ To the landowners at 5 Mile Bay: When going for a stroll or bike ride along the Great Lake Walkway, the amount of gorse on both sides is most noticeable. There are great efforts to beautify Taupō, but not so in this landscape. This gorse is a real blemish to what could be a wonderful landscape. Please take care of our land.
■ To the high price of fuel: I went to Auckland and fuel was 12c cheaper per litre. That is including the 25c reduction by the government and the additional Auckland regional tax. Why are we paying so much at the pump here in Taupō?
Do you have a compliment or a gripe? Email your thumbs up/thumbs down to us at news@taupoturangiherald.co.nz, message Taupō & Tūrangi Herald on Facebook or drop them into our office upstairs at 4 Starlight Arcade, Taupō. Thumbs up/thumbs down may be edited or abridged. Personal attacks or thumbs down that refer to easily-identifiable people, businesses or groups won't be published.