Tēnā koutou katoa. As Senior Sergeant Fane Troy mentioned last week, I am currently in his role for the next three months, from my normal role as a Detective Sergeant and therefore I have inherited the task of writing to you each week in the Taupō & Tūrangi Weekender.
Given my School Certificate track record in English where a harsh "Failed" was entered against my name, (in today's parlance this would have been expressed as a not achieved), personally it's a surprising development to be published!
Last week our area leadership team were told in a meeting that if car owners simply locked their vehicles, we would have 30 per cent fewer thefts from motor vehicles.
The variety of motivations and circumstances that lead people to steal from cars can be a complex issue, however a simple prevention measure such as locking your pride-and-joy Corolla can dramatically reduce this offending. This why Police repeatedly emphasise the message "lock it or lose it".