Going by the temperature in the car this morning, which displayed a fresh 3 degrees, the festivities of summer still seem some way away.
The ebb and flow of the policing year means police officers in the district are planning and thinking about the impact of alcohol and social occasions, family relationships and the pressures they come under, how our roads change and the dynamics of our area with holidaymakers and tourists flocking here to enjoy the lake.
Our front-line teams certainly had a reminder this weekend of what this means. A combination of several birthday parties meant they responded to several calls about disorder and assaults. Young people and some not-so-young people, intoxicated and spilling out onto the streets, and unfortunately in some cases being violent and disorderly.
At the same time, our teams were responding to a self-harm incident, two street robberies involving an out-of-towner in a stolen car, and other calls for service such as family harm incidents and disorder around our bars.