Tena koutou katoa. This will be my last media brief as the response group manager here for Taupō and Tūrangi. I'm leaving this role and moving across to the Taupō area road policing manager position.
This is an opportunity for me to widen my policing lens. Senior Sergeant Fane Troy will be coming into the response manager's role on July 1.
Since taking up this role in 2017, I have really enjoyed the challenges that it brings and have enjoyed engaging with the community of both Taupō and Tūrangi, however, I am looking forward to the break.
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Over the last seven days here in Taupō we have seen a slight drop in family harm investigations with 17 over the last seven days. The majority of these were reported over the long weekend. Again, can I encourage each of us in the community to look after those close to home.