Taupo District Council has decided to defer making a decision on a draft freedom camping bylaw while it assesses just how much land around Lake Taupo will be affected by its proposed 100m freedom camping buffer zone.
The council decided in June it needed to reconsider a draft freedom camping bylaw it originally intended to have in place for this coming summer. The original draft bylaw proposed banning freedom camping from all public areas in the district except for a list of designated sites, but a threat of legal action from the New Zealand Motor Caravan Association saw it turned completely around.
In June councillors were presented with a new draft which specified where freedom camping was not allowed. That included a 100m buffer zone around the edge of the lake to the control gates, also known as the Taupo-nui-a-Tia boundary.
However, camping is already banned on most Taupo District Council reserves and on private land, meaning it is unclear how much of the perimeter around the lake needs to be covered by a buffer zone.
Council chief executive Gareth Green said the call for further information was to allow the council to assess what the actual effects of a 100m buffer zone around the lake would be and to find out which places the 100m buffer zone would cover.