Synthetic cannabis along with other "legal highs" are creating modern day tinny houses in our Rotorua CBD.
I was on Tutanekai St early in the morning, grabbing a coffee, and watched the phenomenal amount of people flowing through the nearby legal high retailer.
The Government bungled the implementation of the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013, with little to no consultation with local government, nullifying a lot of the ideals behind this act, with many mayors across New Zealand highly critical of this rushed through legislation as all it really does is remove certain "dangerous" drugs and limit where the "legal" drugs can be sold.
Where in the Act is there an onus on the manufacturer to prove that their substances are safe and harmless? What are these kids smoking exactly? Clearly this is yet to be seen. This is also ignoring the voice of kiwi families and communities nationwide.
A Facebook group called "Ban Synthetic Cannabis NZ Wide" has more than 34,000 members across New Zealand, all backing the calls for tighter controls and safer measures than this government has put forward and it's easy to see why so many people are passionately against it.