Sunset Primary School in Rotorua has unveiled its award-winning mural, titled Ki Tua (Seek Beyond), as one of 10 winners in Keep New Zealand Beautiful's Resene Wall Worthy Competition 2021.
The mural was painted by artist Taumata Solomon, with pupils and the community consulting on the design.
Located on the wall of the school hall, the mural portrays an empowering message for students highlighting the journey their ancestors made and encouraging them to pursue excellence, just as their ancestors did - "If I can dream it, I can realise it".

Principal Eden Chapman said because their playground was open to the community outside school hours, it was important they provided an attractive environment that everyone was invested in keeping beautiful.
"The mural depicts three powerful Māori and Polynesian male role models for our students to admire. Our ākonga love their culture, basketball and music and they love our mural.