Teresa Hawkins was well known in the Bay of Plenty for her community efforts, which included supporting Māori businesses, assisting convicts and the homeless, and motivating kids.
But she died last month following a long struggle with cancer and her family is now selling her designer wardrobe to raise funds for cancer patients, with the help of the Hinemoa branch of the Māori Women’s Welfare League.
Israel Hawkins says his wife always donated and fundraised for whānau by selling her designer clothes and he is pleased to continue to support those who struggle with cancer by doing the same as she once did.
He says he wants whānau to know that the pūtea raised in this coming event isn’t going to anyone else but whānau who need it. In this case, donations will be given to Lena Staunton and baby Hazel Mclean who are currently going through their own cancer treatments.