A new intake of students is about to turn business ideas into reality through the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) with the first event of the year for teams from Rotorua, Taupo and Tokoroa being held on Thursday.
The E-Day is a chance for the newly formed teams to discuss ideas with business mentors who brainstorm with them in a speed coaching format.
The mentors share their skills and knowledge in various aspects of business, such as financials, marketing and sales, and will spend a few minutes with each team, sharing their experience and discussing the teams' ideas.
This will help the teams to further develop their business plans.
Our local YES region takes in Rotorua, Taupo and Tokoroa with Rotorua Lakes Council taking on the organisational role and student teams from John Paul College, Western Heights High School, Taupo-nui-a-Tia College and Tokoroa High School are taking part this year.