Street View: What do you want to see happen in Rotorua over the next 10 years?
I actually think the city is looking great. The gardens in the centre of town are just beautiful and it's a credit to the council. So a bit more of the same.
I'm a new resident and I think Rotorua has changed a lot since I visited here 20 years ago. In terms of creating a safe and visually pleasing environment in the city they are bang on the mark. There's a lot for tourists here, but you always have to remember your locals.
I'd like to see some more cafes or bars down at the Lakefront. I'd also like them to clean up that area and get rid of all the weed so kids can swim in the lake.
I'd like them to fix the congestion on Old Taupo Rd around 5pm everyday. I don't like the roundabout at Te Ngae by Tarawera, but I think they know what they have to do there. Better roads all round I think.
Fix up Te Ngae Rd, the traffic is really bad there. Maybe they could put lots more trout in the lake so you could feed them at the Lakefront, which would benefit our tourists too.