We are hearing a growing positive vibe and this latest decision now puts us on the cusp of moving Rotorua even further towards our shared aspirations. Te Arawa has a vested interest in the care and development of the region. These interests are universal and beneficial to us all.
This is a monumental decision our council has made but it is clearly the way we need to move to give better effect to our Treaty of Waitangi, Local Government Act and Resource Management Act requirements. We believe the process we took to get to this point was the right process " we didn't hurry it, this was Te Arawa's time to discuss, develop and then deliver their proposal.
As elected officials we were, and are, very aware of the conversations and views being expressed in our wider community.
The subject has been polarising.
People have let their views be known " people have spoken to me, emailed and called me.
I've heard and I've listened, and that's why we are now taking the proposed model through the Special Consultative Process, during which the options can be considered.
This model belongs to Te Arawa and they want to involve and share it with our community.
Councillors all agree we need a better partnership but we also decided that we need the community views in deciding the appropriate vehicle for this relationship.
This has never been a race " we want to get this right for Rotorua and Te Arawa.
We both want a genuine relationship, so that together we can make a real difference for our community.
This is an opportunity for us all to sit at the table, consider the opportunities and accelerate the development of our district.
It is right that the community now has the opportunity to consider this " it's not something any party is trying to push through.
As mayor, I'm proud we're now at the stage where this will be going out to the community.
This signals an incredible change in how we do business on this council and I'm also very proud of that.
Thursday's was a momentous meeting and I thank my council colleagues for the dignity with which they conducted the discussion. The debate was robust and, while we don't always agree with each other, we all support the right to be able to express our views.
I thank Te Arawa for showing a very strong but humble presence at the meeting. Change and challenging long-held views isn't easy. The leadership of Arapeta Tahana during the iwi engagement has been outstanding.
Thank you also to Councillor Merepeka Raukawa-Tait, our leader who had to take the step and walk alongside Te Arawa to find a solution to bring back to the council table.
It has been a busy first year as mayor and next year, I promise, will be the same.