The SPCA is recruiting Kiwi bakers and cake-lovers, including those in Rotorua, to dust off their aprons and get baking for its annual Cupcake Day.
The Cupcake Day fundraiser is on August 5, and the charity is encouraging keen bakers, workplaces, friends and schools to whip up a cupcake storm.
Rotorua SPCA manager Sue Kinsella says BNZ will have a cupcake stall in their branch to support this fundraiser and the Rotorua SPCA will have cupcakes for sale at its op shop and shelter shop.
"It is a great event to be involved with as every age can participate, and who doesn't enjoy a cupcake or two?
"All monies raised comes back to the SPCA to support animals in need in our community and goes towards providing vet care and desexing costs, as all animals available for adoption are desexed prior to adoption, avoiding future unwanted litters."