A warning for Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) remains in place from Waihi Beach to Whakatane Heads.
Medical officer of health, Dr Jim Miller advised against gathering or eating shellfish along these areas which included Tauranga Harbour, Maketu and Waihi estuaries, Matakana and Motiti Islands, and all other islands along this coastline.
The health warning applies to all bi-valve shellfish including mussels, pipi, tuatua, cockles, oysters, scallops as well as cat's eyes, snails and kina (sea urchin). PSP is caused by natural toxins that are produced by algal blooms and accumulate in shellfish that feed on the algae.
Shellfish containing toxic levels of paralytic shellfish poison don't look or taste any different from shellfish that are safe to eat. Cooking or freezing the shellfish does not remove the toxin. Paua, crayfish and crabs can still be taken but as always, the gut should be removed before cooking or eating.
Eating shellfish affected by paralytic shellfish toxin can cause numbness and tingling around the mouth, face, hands and feet, difficulty swallowing or breathing, dizziness, double vision and in severe cases, paralysis and respiratory failure. These symptoms can start as soon as 1-2 hours after eating toxic shellfish and usually within 12 hours. Anyone suffering illness after eating shellfish should seek urgent medical attention.