Two Rotorua students have been selected for a youth camp in Melbourne for students with a passion for science.
Rotorua Boys' High School's Nikora Wade and Shulan Qiu from John Paul College have been selected by Royal Society Te Aparangi to attend Youth ANZAAS (Australia New Zealand Advancement of Science) in July with five other Kiwi students.
Youth ANZAAS is a five-day residential science camp for Year 12 and Year 13 students who have a passion for science. A further three students have been selected for Future Experiences in Agriculture, Science and Technology (FEAST) at the University of Queensland.
Youth ANZAAS will involve 40 other Australian senior secondary school students for a full science programme which will include both lectures and hands on learning in the areas of engineering, medical research, astronomy, chemistry, and physics.
They will visit the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, RMIT University of Technology, Melbourne University, CSIRO, and will partake in social outings.
The FEAST programme at the end of June will also involve other students from Australia and all participants will be based mainly at the University of Queensland.