Depending on their age, from 5 to 26, children either participate as Keas, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers or Rovers.
The Waikite Valley Scout Group cubs have gone mountain biking in the past. Photo / Supplied
From today to Sunday, Scouts in the Volcanic Zone, which encompasses Taupo, Rotorua, Kawerau, Whakatane and Opotiki, will come together to celebrate Founders' Day, Lawes said.
"This year is 110 years of Scouts starting in New Zealand. We always have a big camp at this time of year. All the groups from the zone get together," he said.
Around 160 children are expected to participate in a weekend of activities at and around the Lakes Ranch at Tikitapu.
Hamish has been in the Cubs group for two years and likes going outside, creating things and learning new things.
The Scouts building fire pits out of drums, learning about cutting, grinding and welding. Photo / Supplied
Bradley also liked the creative side of Scouts.
"I like being able to do things you can't do at school like outdoor cooking, making rafts, just playing in the trees," he said.
"You get to meet all of the kids in your area."
But Lawes said Scout leaders were in demand, and he wanted to let people know Scouts was still around.
"There's a bit of a shortage of leaders. I don't know if people are busy with work commitments," he said.
Leaders are volunteers and mainly parents who receive training to help out.
"We've got to attract the kids with good activities, then hopefully mum or dad will join as a leader," Lawes said.
"Also, people in the community might be looking for something to do. They can help out too."
He said Scouts was more than camping and outdoors.
"We also teach a lot more like first aid and life skills ... the idea is that if you go through the Scouts, you will have found out about your community and helped it and you'll have skills you can take to a job," he said.
"Like team work, self-motivation, and accepting a challenge, whatever that may be."
Scouting was founded in New Zealand in 1908 in Kaiapoi. To volunteer or participate in Scouts, call 0800 scouts or visit
Scouts in NZ: - 15,046 members nationwide, 5000 adults - 1587 members in the Central North Island region - 306 members in the Volcanic Zone. - Five regions - Upper North Island, Central North Island, Lower North Island, Upper South Island and Lower South Island. - A number of groups constitute a zone, zones make up a region. There are 33 zones in New Zealand. -