Rotorua Samoan Language Week Koniseti 2021. Photo / Andrew Warner
Rotorua Samoan Language Week Koniseti 2021. Photo / Andrew Warner
From dance workshops and theatre performances, to film and learning the language, there will be something for everyone to enjoy at the inaugural Rotorua Samoan Language Week Koniseti 2021.
This is a free community event hosted by Rotorua Girls' High School and supported by the Ministry of Education, Rotorua Library, and Our House Restaurant.
It will run from today (Friday) until June 5.
It is a pilot for what is hoped will become an annual Koniseti (Pasifika Theatre and Film Festival) celebration during Samoan Language Week in Rotorua.
Fiona Collins, currently the Rotorua Girls' High School Creative in Schools artist, is organising the inaugural event.
She says not only is this event for their Pasifika students and youth, but also to showcase Samoan culture to the wider community.
"It's for the wider community as well, as we want to showcase the Samoan language and share it with everyone."
Fiona Collins, the Rotorua Girls' High School Creative in Schools artist, is organising the inaugural event. Photo / Andrew Warner
There is plenty to experience throughout the week's programme, including - lunchtime Samoan language basics, LILIU short film by Jeremiah Tauamiti, a showing of video series 'Aso Sā-moan' by Elisabeth Kumaran, a talk with Pafuti Tonuu, a Night Market performance and a 'Tupulaga' theatre performance.
There will also be an open community youth workshop and evening performance at RGHS with Raishedinland and 'XY Dance Collective'.
The open community youth workshop doesn't require registration.
Our House in Eat Streat will be putting a few Samoan dishes on their menu to highlight Samoan Language Week, and possibly some live performances at the restaurant.
Fiona says she taught at the National University of Samoa for 10 years.
After recently moving back to New Zealand, she was talking with a colleague at Pacific Dance NZ about how there isn't always a lot of access or information around smaller, Paisfika cultures.
It was this discussion that made Fiona really want to promote Samoan Language Week and organise the event.
"New Zealand is such a diverse country in terms of how many cultures are living here. I have two children who are Māori Samoan and I always wanted them to have exposure to both cultures.
Rotorua Samoan Language Week Koniseti 2021. Photo / Andrew Warner
"There are many young people that don't know much about Samoan culture or Pasifika, and looking around here there's not a lot happening based around Samoan culture."
She says the Rotorua Pacific Islands Development Charitable Trust, though, is certainly playing its role in working with the Pasifika community and is doing amazing work.
"I really want to promote Samoan Language Week and provide a platform for cultural theatre that isn't traditional.
"I'm looking forward to people being able to experience a slice of Samoan culture and language.
"The thing about this week is it's not just for our Pasifika people to enjoy and celebrate our language, but also to reach out to those who don't know anything about it and help them to experience it.
"We would like everyone to be able to come along and hope to see lots of people."
You can contact Fiona Collins on (027) 522 1663.
May 29: Raishedinland and 'XY Dance Collective' open community youth workshop and evening performance at RGHS May 30: Official Ceremony - CLOSED TO PUBLIC May 31: Library Display opens, including 'Aso Sā-moan' by Elisabeth Kumaran June 1: Lunchtime Samoan language basics at RGHS June 2: LILIU short film by Jeremiah Tauamiti showing at library June 3: LILIU showing at library. Night Market performance by RGHS PI Performance Group June 4: LILIU showing at library June 5: 'Tupulaga' theatre performance (Fiona Collins/RGHS Pasifika Drama students). LILIU showing at RGHS. Final LILIU showing at library