A Rotorua Primary School AquaBots team is working hard to fundraise and put their best underwater robot forward for an international competition.
Tyson Cunningham, 10, Deborah Peake, 11, and Mereana Tawhai, 11, make up The Devil Marines team, and have qualified for the International SeaPerch competition. It is to be held at Maryland University, Washington DC, United States, in May.
The Year 5-6 AquaBot team placed first overall in the primary division at the 2022 Aquabots Nationals, held at the Otumoetai Pools last year.
Out of seven tasks within the national competition, The Devil Marines placed first in the offshore fish pen, first in the factsheet, second in the obstacle course, second in the quiz, and second in the interview, placing them as the overall winners for the primary category.
The underwater robotics competition involves constructing and fine-tuning an underwater robot, driving it through underwater obstacle courses and challenges, and presenting to a panel of judges outlining the methods and processes used.