New Rotorua residents have been given the tools to get ready and get through in a recent Civil Defence seminar.
Hosted by Rotorua Lakes Council and Citizens Advice Bureau the seminar was a part of the newcomer's settlement into life in the Rotorua district.
The council's Civil Defence coordinator Linda Johnston, who lead the seminar, said even though natural and man-made disasters are a possibility worldwide, in New Zealand had unique hazards that new people needed to be aware of.
"Just like all of our Civil Defence messaging it's about being prepared, but for these families being prepared here may not mean the same thing as it did in their home countries."
"They are in a different place now and they have access to Civil Defence agencies that maybe weren't available to them before. It was really interesting to meet these people. They are from all over the world so the group were able to share their own knowledge of natural disasters," she said.