A karakia was performed by a Pukeroa Oruawhata Trust representative under the care of Malcolm Short.
The event finished with a morning tea and further tours of the premises.
Menzshed Rotorua acting chairman Wesley ah Chan says the shed had been finished in early 2021 but an official opening was not possible due the lockdowns and other Covid restrictions.
He says now that they have a new shed, people can call in to see them if they want any work done or if they wish to become a member.
Rotorua Community Menzshed Trust is a community-based project for men needing space and equipment so they can potter in a shed.
Men are able to learn new skills, make things for the community, restore and repair items, pass on skills and enjoy social interaction.
Wesley says they have several community projects in the works and welcome any new members.
Todd McClay says the Menzshed is a wonderful initiative.
"They've had a lot of uncertainty around the use of their premises over the last two years.
"They are very settled now and offer a great opportunity for men who are around retirement age to come together in a social context and provide goods for the community."
He says the local Menzshed had worked hard over the years to help different organisations.
Todd says he got to have a good look at the new building and it was a great, modern one that was able to house all of the trust's equipment extremely well.
"I would say anyone with some spare time on their hands should get in touch with them."
For more information on the Rotorua Community Menzshed, email rotoruamenzshed@xtra.co.nz