Rotorua's mayor and the district's cultural advisor have had a request for ratepayer-funded travel costs for a trip to China approved, but not without debate.
Councillor voted nine to one to approve just over $5000 worth of travel costs for Steve Chadwick and Trevor Maxwell at a Rotorua Lakes Council meeting today. As part of Rotorua's Sister City relationship with Suzhou City, Wuzhong District, and Economic Co-operation Agreement with Jiangning District of Nanjing, where Nanjing Rotorua Town is located, Mrs Chadwick put forward a business case to travel to those areas to cement relationships with Chinese officials.
It is also the 20th anniversary of the Sister City relationship between Rotorua and Suzhou City.
The cost would be $5058 for the pair, flying premium economy class from Rotorua and four nights' accommodation.
Honorary citizen of Rotorua David Chin, who is based in China, will accompany the pair while they are in the country and will provide his time, transportation and translation services free.