One must take on board Mike McVicker's comments (Letters, October 23) on the Rotorua trout fisheries and his comments must also apply to Lake Taupo.
Having myself, stripped trout, fertilised and incubated the eggs from lakes Tarawera and Taupo when an employee of the Wildlife Division of Internal Affairs Department, one has to wonder what is in the minds of those who set out to amend the Conservation Act and destroy the trout fishery?
My colleagues and I were very much aware of the damage caused by the commercialism of trout and the farming of such in America.
The American scientists advise us no end to not allow trout farming in New Zealand as it will destroy our wonderful trout fishery through disease.
I helped to pack and ship the trout eggs from Turangi to America as they needed disease-free trout ova from New Zealand to begin the process of raising disease-free trout.
Their trout stocks had become so contaminated with disease from commercial trout farming operations the wild fisheries were being destroyed through disease, and the only way to recover the fishery was to poison the lake and start again with fresh fish stocks disease free.
Not easy in New Zealand.
There is very little hope for New Zealand's trout fishery if these amendments go through and the businesspeople who rely on trout fishers for their businesses will find their cash flow dry up. (Abridged)