Despite some delays due to the Covid-19 lockdowns, the 2020 edition of the Good Health Rotorua – Directory of Health and Well-being Services has now been produced and available to the public.
It has taken several weeks of phone calls and emails to hundreds of different community groups, health professionals and other service providers, to check contact details and service information.
The Rotorua Citizens Advice Bureau has researched, edited and produced the Good Health Directory for many years now, and is one of the most highly regarded and best-used printed community directories in Rotorua.
The directory provides comprehensive information from advocates, through to health support groups, rest homes and activities and groups for older people, mental health providers, general practitioners, pharmacies, dentists, hospitals, homeless support services, Māori health initiatives, fitness providers and everything in between.
Rotorua Citizens Advice Bureau manager Jane Eynon-Richards says the Good Health Directory, often referred to as the bureau's bible, can be used by bureau volunteers several times a day, every day.