Rotorua drivers are being targeted in a new road safety campaign aimed at reducing crashes at intersections.
The "Intersections Campaign" runs from Thursday until the end of September and highlights intersections in Rotorua with the highest crash risk rates.
The campaign is a partnership between the Rotorua District Council, Rotorua police and Road Safety Rotorua.
Rotorua has six intersections with high crash risk ratings - Tutanekai and Amohau streets, Amohau and Fenton streets, Western Rd onto State Highway 5, Waiotapu Loop Rd onto State Highway 5, Tauranga Direct Rd and Hamurana Rd, and the Old Taupo Road/State Highway 30 (Hemo Rd) intersection, which has been identified as the fourth worst intersection in New Zealand for crashes.
Rotorua District Council road safety co-ordinator Jodie Lawson said the campaign used newspapers, radio and social media combined with on-location education and enforcement stops at some of the intersections by police officers and council road safety staff.