Nahu, the secretary and treasurer for BOPRL, said vandalism at the toilets had had a big impact.
While the season was drawing to a close now, lots of families and children used the park and toilets which was why the council had been lobbied to install the toilet block there in the first place, she said.
"It's just disgusting what people do. Nothing better to do."
She said the league building had its own toilet but the now ruined public toilet was run by the council.
"They [vandals] spoil it for other people that are around."
A Rotorua Daily Post reporter at the scene said there was a strong smoky smell coming from the now blocked-off toilets.
There was a "keep out" sign attached to the door and around the back of the block the damage was visible.
Margaret Waaka lives in Tauranga but often visited the park with her Rotorua mokopuna.
"It's annoying, what if the kids need to go urgently? That's a bit rough."
She suggested it could be someone trying to keep warm.
"That's really disturbing. And now people have to clean it up."
Rotorua Lakes Council's sport, recreation and environment manager, Rob Pitkethley, said the extent of work required for repair or removal, and approximate costs, were yet to be determined.
"We're disappointed that this has occurred as it will impact users of the Puketawhero Park play space which is a popular destination park for Eastside tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau.
"The toilets also support use of the sports fields where the New Zealand Rugby League secondary schools tournament is scheduled for this weekend. Council is working with the event organiser to ensure adequate facilities are available.
"If anyone has any information about the incident we encourage them to contact council or the police."
Mokoia Community Trust said today the Puketawhero toilets were now out of commission due to the incident.
Fire investigation, police and insurance are now all engaged, the trust said on social media.
"There is no timeline for when the toilets will be recommissioned at this stage."
The post went on to say it was the third vandalism incident on the block since the end of July.