The final bill I presented to Parliament took into account the 392 submissions, the views of technical experts and practitioners, feedback from numerous hui, workshops, and wananga; and the advice of the ministerial advisory group.
The bill is now before the Maori Affairs select committee and it welcomes submissions from the public. Te Puni Kokiri has a link on its website with information on the bill, so visit to do so.
Trans-Pacific Partnership
In spite of our opposition to this deal, it did pass its first reading.
One of our major concerns was that the TPP trade agreement could have a chilling effect on the Crown's ability to meet its Treaty obligations.
While some have accused us of being anti-trade and not supporting Maori business, that's simply not true. We understand there will be benefits to the economy, but we worry about who will benefit, and how far they will go.
With the gap between rich and poor widening, what are the chances of the benefits reaching those most in need?
We are not convinced, hence we maintained our stance and voted against this.
In closing, I want to congratulate Tracey Ormsby (Oots), Hamu Lacey and the team from Korowai Aroha for their recent award for the Tane Takitu Ake programme.
The team recently won the Lakes District Health Board's Maori Nursing and Midwifery Development Award, recognising their work in developing such a quality programme.
It was designed to encourage Maori men in the community to become better husbands, fathers and role models within their own homes. These goals were achieved by reconnecting the men with their culture through whakapapa.
Since August 2013 I have been privileged to be involved in a small way with Tane Takitu Ake by providing workshops around leadership in the community, and I have also had several constituents attend the programme.
The changes they have made in their lives have been astonishing. Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa.
- I welcome your feedback. Email: mpwaiariki@parliament.govt. nz. Phone (0508) 924274.